Danny's Pig Collection
It's a given that with Danny's love of pigs she should have a pig collection, and that she does! Daniela has been collecting pigs since she was 11 when she had amassed a total of 5 pigs. Her collection now totals around 1000. Danny says she wanted to collect something with meaning, and being that pigs are a symbol of good luck in Germany, she decided that luck would not be such a bad thing to collect! Since then she has been blessed with me! It works!
This is but a small sample of some of the different pigs she has collected over the years, actually during the last 8 years since we have been together. The rest are stored at her parents house in Germany. Sooner or later we'll have to transport them here. Any volunteers?
All said, here's Danny's pigs!


Kissing Pigs
see them in action? just click on the picture and a 4 second video on youtube will pop-up :@)

Kitchen Items

Kleenex Box Cover

Miscellaneous Bathroom Item Piggies (wash cloth, peeler, hooks, nivea cream & nail brush)

Oriental Lantern Decoration

Picture Frames

Piggie Banks
the left one is a very old piggie bank digged out of the grounds of Bermuda by my husband while building an electric fence :O)
the right one is from a chinese market in Belfast during the celebrations of the chinese new year "Year of the Golden Pig" in 2007

Piglet Pen

Pillow (We call her Line! hehehehe)

Sprout Farm
(if you place this pig in water over night, it will grow HUGE!!)

Hot-Water Bottle Pig (the bottle goes inside the pig)

Stuffed Piggies

Table Vaccuum



Tupperware Container & Napkin Ring

Christmas Ornament

Easter Ornament

Cellphone Case

Candleholders & Candle Topper


Cellphone Trinket

Charm Bracelet w/ 1 Piggie & 1 Bermuda Pig Coin

Cookoo Clock - On The Hour a very cute little grunting piggie appears out of the little window in the top of the clock :O) My parents found this adorable clock in Germany & mailed it all the way to Bermuda to me to enhance my collection!! Especially admirable are the face expressions of first-time-visitors that experience the piggies appearance :o)))

Glass (front & back view)

Piggie Handbag - This lovely handbag was given to me a long time ago by a dear friend of mine - and as you can see, it travelled with me from Germany to Bermuda and Ireland :o) along with the piggie shoes later on in this collection :o)

Finger Puppet - this cute finger puppet was mailed by a friend of mine from Peru. Along with another piggie (pls see above: stuffed pigs - its the big one with the heart on it) it comes from her hometown: Lima.
Save cruising, A!


Foldable Birthday Card with a flying Pig

Clay Pig

Cup (front & back view)

Egg Cup


Glasses Case

Iron Pig From India - the heaviest Pig of my collection :o)




Baby's Pacifier

Ceramic Figurines

Pig Candle

Pig Candle - made by a school-friend of mine a looong time ago :o) a pitty we lost touch, but the pig will always remember me of the fun times we had as detectives in the woods :o)))

Cookie Cutter

Cooking Spoon

Pig Figurine

Flying Pig (battery operated) - watch your head when you enter our home :o)))
See More of Danny's Pig Collections Here