WOW Page 7 of Danny's Pig Museum is in the works...
I am proud to see I still can fill more pages of my little online pig museum... unfortunatly it takes sooo much time to create it but one day it will be complete - will it ever? :@) I seem to find new items wherever I go... :)

This Pig Thumb Movie was sent to me by Line from Berlin, Germany! So cute to watch the piggie jump into the mud & wish Good Luck to me :@) Thx :)

I keep this cute little dancing solar operated piggie on my desk at work to keep me company... :@)
Cris & Marco brought those adorable pig stickers and washable coloring pig toy from their honeymoon to Thailand back!! Even on their honeymoon they thought of us, sooo lovely of them!! Really cute!! Thx guys!!
More To Come