A Continuation Of Danny's Pigs Collection
Danny's Pigs Collection has recently risen to over 1,000. Here are some of her latest Pig's Figurines

Pig Leather Key Chain

Pig Mouse-Pad-Wrist Support (yes, can't live without it :o))) )

Very Soft Pig Pillow

Pig-Head Magnet from...??? :o))) hard to guess, huh?

Pig Watch on Chain
(so I can hang it around my neck)... very cute, huh?

Pig Letter Opener

Pig Pencil

Pig Pencil Box

Pig Pencil Sharpener

Pig Eraser

This here is a Microwavable Pig... yeah right... no, really!! it contains seeds and lavender scent... heated up in the microwave it smells lovely & keeps the bed warm (for those who don't have a warm husband: very recommendable!) :o)

Pig Kitchen Timer

Pig Picture made by a very good friend (PS! remember?)


Grunting Pig Key Chain

another picture

Light My Fire :o)

Pig Magnet from Uli Stein

My mother found this cute fingerpuppet in Germany for me.

I bought this laser etched pig in a glass block in Russia (St Petersburg).

Pig Plastic Cup from Uli Stein

Pig Salt Shaker

Surprise Egg Toy

Pig Pictures

Pig Soap Holder

Picture Postcard "Good Luck"

cute Pig Puppet

My Father scanned this pig from the newspaper for me... now my collection also contains a "NEWSPAPER PIG" :O)

Pig Postcard with Poem

Pig Torch
There is more to see of my pigs collections...