Continuation Of Danny's Pigs Collection of over 1000 Pigs

Pig-Key-Cover and other Pig Key Chain Items

Here are some of the smallest Pigs of my collection

An irish souvenir for kids: "Irish Squeezie Beanie Piggie"

This is a Pig Straw... it was in one of those cereal boxes ages ago!

Pig-Logo Bag from the local Butcher... well, I don't eat pig meat of course!! But to complete the collection, I had to add it :o)

Pig Key Board Cleaner Brush.. we found that one in a shop in Amalfi!

who doesn't need it? a "Squeezable Pooping Pig" Key Chain! :o)

Pig Collage

Wooden Pig Pegs (you see the piggie!?!) - yes, it does exist! :o)

Wall Decoration Pig

Wooden Key Chain Pig

Piggie Bank

Squeezy Pig Toy with sound effect

Ornamental Pig

Rubber Ball Pig - a present from Isi & Co ;o) thank you!!

above: Pig Flute
below: Mouth Piece :o)

Pig Calendar

Pig Peg Bag (can you say this fast at least 20 times? :o) )

Pig Play Douh Set

Pig Mobile

Baby's Pig Rattle

Bermuda Glass Factory Pig; this was a present from Stephie & Kyle!! Thank you very much!!

Grunting Piggie Bank (once you place coins in the slot, it grunts)

Cute Stuffed Piggie

Porcelain Hand-Painted Pig Pill Box from Ireland

Small Iron Pig Figurine

Line extended my pig collection again! This is a wallet from Germany!

Pig Size Chart (move the little piggie depending on the childs hight...)
Fabienne is already 1.20m tall!

Pig's "Pen" :o)

Cute Stuffed Pig Pendant

Pig Night Light

Baby's Pig Mirror

Pig Air Freshener for the car :@)

I bought this Pig Mousepad from with piggie points together with the stress relief pig below:

On a visit to my friends house, I received these cute house shoes to keep my feet warm & to enrich my collection!! thank you, Isi!!

not sure what exactly you call this pig here... i call it toe-nail-separator-for-nail-polising-purposes :@)

this is a birthday card from Elaine!! thank you!!

another birthday card.. from Line! the question for you is: can you find the pig with the cork screw tail? :@) the answer is below...

haha and? did you guess it right? ;@)

I received this singing ("My Girl")and dancing pig from my brother as a birthday gift... it is really very adorable & especially my god-kids love it! on their last visit it sang and danced till the batteries run out... they couldn't get tired of it :o) new batteries were needed :o)

small selection of pig cell phone straps bought in Ireland

on my last trip to Berlin, I found these cute pig buttons... who can resist them? :o)

this is a fold up card with pig stickers from Line for my collection ... the other stickers we will ignore ;o) ($%$^!! sausages??!!£$%%**!!!)

this is a pig earring stand... not just to hold my few pig earrings... as you can see there are hundreds of free spaces to fill :o)

on our recent trip to Paris, we located this cute hand painted pig figurine... doesn't it look a little french? ;@)
pls click here to see more of my pig collection/ Schweine Sammlung